Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion Movies Full Length Without Download Streaming Online
Plot Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion (2015):
The year is 1173. England and France are at war. The destiny of the two great powers has never been so intertwined. As King Henry's wife, Queen Eleanor, is captured and imprisoned by the king himself, Richard and his brothers lead the fight against their father in a heartless war. Allegiances shift with each victory or defeat as the destinies of England and France keep swaying in a delicate balance.Casts of Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion:
Valeri Alessandro, Elisa Allara, Lucia Allara, Derek Allen, Brian Ayres, Christian Burruano, David Callahan, Andrea Lorenzo Canetto, Mishael Lopes Cardozo, Davide ChioleroMovie Description
Title: Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
- Released: 2015-06-11
- Genre: History, Action, Adventure, Drama
- Date: 2015-06-11
- Runtime: 96 Minutes
- Company: Claang Entertainment, DOMA Entertainment, WonderPhil Productions
- Language: English
- Budget:
- Revenue:
- Plot Keyword : History, Action, Adventure, Drama
- Homepage: http://www.richardthemovie.com/
- Trailer: Video Trailer
- Director: Stefano Milla, Gero Giglio
Find Out About Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion
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